Saturday, February 4, 2012

Love, Is It Real?

I knew you were too good for me
You made me think of what we could be...
I thought there could be something
HA! I only thought the wrong thing.
Dreaming to be kissed in the rain and snow <3
Only goes to show..
You end up fine, I end up shaken and hurt,
You walk away with another girl...
Prettier, thinner, and popular.
I walk away with a scar on my heart.
I'm feeling okay.. at least that's a start
But deep down I'm done, losing it
I've taken the hit.
I don't deserve you.
I'll need a crew to pick up the peices, only some will be missing...
The parts of my heart I gave, and never got back.
You stay happy, while I shout on the inside how much I hurt.
No one knows how I feel,
I'm not okay, I'll never be.
There is nothing left of me for you to see.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Is there anybody out there? Anybody who reads this bloody thing? I feel like I'm invisible to the world, to the guy I like. I feel like I will never be able to do things right, or good enough for people. I don't know what it is.
A classmate of mine died last night. Though I have never met her or seen her, from what people have said, she was the best anyone could be. She was what people wanted to be, and that was herself. She didn't care what people thought of her. She made an impact on my school. I wish I could do the same. Leave a mark, a legacy, be someone people can look up to. I want to be the best lacrosse player I can be. I want to read 25 books this year(already have three done:), I want to play in the showcase for my instrument. I want to be good at something I love, I want to be the nice person I use to be. And you know what, I'm going to make that happen. I'm going to stop being so darn negative, and change my attitude about stuff. I don't care how long it takes me, but I need to be thankful for what I have, and love who I have in my life.
Tell someone you love the, thank someone who held the door open for them, smile at someone when they pass by. Like they say a smile can change a whole persons day. :) Make it your goal, and I'll make it mine. I love you.